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This project receives funding from The Caribbean OCTs Resilience, Sustainable Energy and Marine Biodiversity Programme (RESEMBID), a €42.6M programme financed by the European Union and implemented by Expertise France, the development cooperation agency of France




Our vision for the RISE project is to contribute to the increased societal resilience of the Cayman Islands, empowering the next generation of primary school children to be better prepared and more resilient in the face of extreme and recurrent man-made and natural disasters. We envision a future where every child is equipped with essential life skills, including maintaining good health and hygiene, disaster preparedness, internet safety, and basic first aid, fostering a resilient and secure community.




Resilience Curriculum 

Our mission at RISE is to build a comprehensive resilience program for primary school students aged 4-12 in the Cayman Islands. Through a standardized curriculum and engaging educational materials, we aim to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to cope with various challenges, including natural disasters, health crises, and online safety. We strive to create a safe and supportive environment that promotes emotional well-being and empowers both students and educators to navigate and recover from stressful situations successfully.


First Aid Training 

As part of our mission in build resilience in the Cayman community the Cayman Islands Red Cross (CIRC) has trained 12 school staff members to become certified First Aid Instructors. This initiative, supported by the EU-funded RESEMBID program, aims to create a sustainable framework for First Aid training across government schools. These certified instructors will lead efforts to train 200 additional school staff in life-saving First Aid techniques, ensuring that schools across the Cayman Islands are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to respond to medical emergencies effectively and confidently

Red Cross Fundamental Principles 

The RISE projects purpose is inspired by the principles of the Red Cross movement. These values guide every aspect of our work, ensuring a compassionate and effective approach to building resilience among primary school children in the Cayman Islands.


The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, born of a desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield, endeavours, in its international and national capacity, to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found. Its purpose is to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being. It promotes mutual understanding, friendship, co-operation and lasting peace amongst all peoples.


It makes no discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. It endeavours to relieve the suffering of individuals, being guided solely by their needs, and to give priority to the most urgent cases of distress.


In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, the Movement may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature.


The Movement is independent. The National Societies, while auxiliaries in the humanitarian services of their governments and subject to the laws of their respective countries, must always maintain their autonomy so that they may be able at all times to act in accordance with the principles of the Movement.

Voluntary Service

It is a voluntary relief movement not prompted in any manner by desire for gain.


There can only be one Red Cross or one Red Crescent Society in any one country. It must be open to all. It must carry on its humanitarian work throughout its territory.


The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, in which all Societies have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in helping each other, is world-wide.

With these values, RISE aims to empower Cayman's young minds, equipping them with essential life skills to face adversities and emerge stronger together.